Easy Chicken Risotto with Farro

Easy Chicken Risotto with Farro

For some people, the aspect of making risotto is scary and can be difficult to master. Not only that, but it requires constant supervision for a long time, making it a difficult choice for a weeknight dinner. However, this abbreviated version takes out the guesswork by using ready to eat rice or farro and a … Read More

Merry Christmas! Celebrate the season with Chocolate Caramel Cupcakes

Merry Christmas! Celebrate the season with Chocolate Caramel Cupcakes

I’m writing this on the day of Christmas eve, listening to Hanson’s Snowed in, because it doesn’t quite feel like Christmas without it, after I just frosted 2 dozen cupcakes. They aren’t just any cupcakes, they are caramel filled chocolate cupcakes with milk chocolate frosting, festive sprinkles and a hint of sea salt. It’s a … Read More

The Vanity is Complete

The Vanity is Complete

Finally! It only took several months, but I finally finished the vanity project. Perhaps finished is a little misleading, though. You may notice in the picture the sides where the mirror comes down are a bit knicked. This was because after everything was painted, there wasn’t enough room for the mirror to come down, so … Read More

Hacking our desk, old new bookshelf & vanity stool

Hacking our desk, old new bookshelf & vanity stool

Last weekend John and I went to Savannah, GA to celebrate my 25th birthday, and this weekend we did a lot of “housework” … yet our bedroom is still a downright mess. The biggest accomplishment was in our office… which is still nowhere near “done.” We have done what we can just re-using what we … Read More