My first honest-to-goodness purchase for the Kindle was a KJV bible from OSNOVA because of the direct jump navigational functionality. For $4.99 you can’t beat it!
Depending on your individual preferences, you can purchase a version where each verse is on a separate line, or paragraphed (which is what I chose), or without any navigation or chapter/verse numbers for those who desire to use the Text-to-Speech feature.
You can also purchase Easton’s Bible Dictionary for Kindle (instant definition lookup while reading any Bible) (Updated) that you can use as your default dictionary. That way when you are reading the KJV you can more easily decipher the old English. I have not purchased it yet, but it is on my wish list!
The only problem? There are 66 books in the bible, and I have trouble memorizing things. So, of course I made a handy print out on card stock with all of the books listed with their short codes. I decided to offer it for free download here. Enjoy!